Friday, 20 December 2013

3D animatic new version


another update version of 3D animatic.
Solved the stagging problem.
and added few scene..

The music I still havent edit it yet..

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

UV mapping n 3D animatic Update

A little update what I have done for these few days

Was spending days to open UV of the object.
Put on the checker box and map on the object to make sure all of the 3D model have a proper square shapes on it.

the next thing Im going to do is set on the camera and also start to put on the texture.

and this is another update of the 3D animatic. I didn't edit the sound..
just changed the camera angle and set up the camera..
timing still hv to edit too

Sunday, 8 December 2013

3D modeling 99% finish !

Hooray !! I have finish my modeling.
My interior!! Cool !!!

this is the update of the images

I still left 2 objects to go.
A thing the boy protect with.
a unique thing that the boy holding with.
I was thinking to create a key, A key that important to his family

another object to model is lamp. Im still wondering what kind of lamp is suitable put on the floor.
a lamp on the floor. what kind of lamp ?hmm

will keep going.. next stage going to open the 3D model object's UV .
then set up camera.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Modeling update

I have finish 90 % of my interior modeling@

Still left the important charmss and myth thingss.
And also the angel statue  and a floor lamp

heres the images screen shot